If we could, we would improve the messaging for this and defer the reboot to the end of the install process, but our only choices are either to let the reboot occur when the installer requests it, or to suppress the reboot from happening at all, as our installer cannot detect that a a reboot must still be done. In most cases, that installer will be unable to complete its work while the system is running, and will schedule some remaining tasks to be done at reboot. NET Framework from Microsoft, before the SketchUp installer even runs. Most users already have it, but in case they don’t, the first step we take is to invoke a bootstrapper program, which contains a provision to download and install. NET Framework is the only non-standard element SketchUp requires of your Windows machine. NET Framework 4.0, which is provided by Microsoft. I’ll look into ways we might be able to improve it, but unfortunately, all of the issues you ran into during install, including that message and the reboot itself, come not from SketchUp, but from the installer for the. I definitely hear your point about the timing and wording of the reboot message. Why not simply say that you must restart your computor after the installation is finished. “Rebooting” is one of those spooky computor words, that make the average user (me) angry and frustrated.